You’ve come a long way to get here. It’s our job to support you in any way we can as you get settled. We’ve partnered with local organizations and nonprofits who share our values to provide you with the best available resources. Navigating a new place can be overwhelming, and we’re here to help. From understanding what services are available to you to preparing for citizenship testing how can we be of service to you?


For continued learning and social connection.

Education is a tool of empowerment that can facilitate intellectual growth while providing the necessary skills to navigate, contribute to, and thrive in Charlotte. RSS can help refugees, asylees, humanitarian parolees, and special immigrant visa holders understand educational opportunities available to them.

Whether you’re looking for after-school programming, public schooling, trade training, or community college, these resources are a great place to start.


ourBRIDGE for Kids

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools

Central Piedmont Community College

Goodwill University

She Built This City

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Insta Highlights

Follow along for all things RSS and @ktgrss to see the latest from our popular Knit Together Group!

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Three cheers for the @wedgewoodclt International ...

Come join us on December 1st at our ...

“I often say that I tell my story not because it ...